Adjami, M.
Experimental Results of an Underwater Glider Hydraulic Model Test in Towing Tank of NIMALA [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-40]
Afaridegan, Ehsan
Comparative Study of the Discharge Coefficient of Streamlined Weirs [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-142]
Afzali, Atikeh
Application of MODFLOW and MT3DMS Models to Evaluate Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Northern Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 65-81]
Aghamajidi, R.
Study Effect of Fluctuations of Pressure Factors of Stepped Short-throat Shaft Spillways on Hydraulic Coefficient [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 137-150]
Aghamajidi, Roozbeh
Evaluating the Effect of Anti-Vortex Plates on Discharge Coefficient in Short Throat Shaft Spillway [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 83-103]
Aghamajidi, Roozbeh
Investigating Effect of Water Hammer on Gravity Water Transmission Lines using Fiberglass Pipes [(Articles in Press)]
Ahadiyan, Javad
An Index to Determine Reaction of Vegetation Canopies to River Flow [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 41-50]
Ahmadi, A.
Numerical Study of the Effects of Inlet Geometry on the Performance of the Sediment Bypass Tunnel using SSIIM Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 65-75]
Ahmadi, Ahmad
A hybrid solution for transient pipe flow based on method of characteristics and Lax-Friedrichs scheme [(Articles in Press)]
Amel Sadeghi, Mohammad
The Effect of Suspended Load on the Lower Discharge of Large Dams Using Flow-3D Numerical Model [(Articles in Press)]
Amini, Ramin
Numerical Simulation of Flow Over the Arced Trapezoidal Piano Key Weir [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 105-136]
Aminian, P.
Numerical Study of the Effects of Inlet Geometry on the Performance of the Sediment Bypass Tunnel using SSIIM Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 65-75]
Aminian, Pejman
Studying Impact of Dam Construction on Hydrologic Regime in Garmsar Plain [(Articles in Press)]
Amiri, Sajad
Evaluating how to control the sediments to be entered the intake channels in a 180-degree arc by the submerged plates [(Articles in Press)]
Ardeshiri, S.
Experimental Results of an Underwater Glider Hydraulic Model Test in Towing Tank of NIMALA [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-40]
Asadi Asrami, E.
Experimental Results of an Underwater Glider Hydraulic Model Test in Towing Tank of NIMALA [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-40]
Asli Charandabi, Mohammadreza
Investigating Effect of Water Hammer on Gravity Water Transmission Lines using Fiberglass Pipes [(Articles in Press)]
Asli Charandabi, Mohammadreza
Bio‐Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) for Flood Management: Case study: Maharani Janki Kunwar College, Bettiah [(Articles in Press)]
Asli Charandabi, Mohammadreza
The Effect of Suspended Load on the Lower Discharge of Large Dams Using Flow-3D Numerical Model [(Articles in Press)]
Ayati, Elham
Assessment of GEP and ANN for Predicting Suspended Sediment Load: A Case Study of Ghatoor and Aland Rivers, West Azerbaijan, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 11-26]
Baseri, M.
Evaluation of Different Spatial Interpolation Methods for IMERG Precipitation Zoning in Neyshabur Basin [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 89-98]
Behdarvandi Askar, M.
Investigating Effect of Changing Vegetation Height with Irregular Layout on Reduction of Waves using Flow-3D Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-64]
Behdarvandi Askar, Mehdi
Comparison of the Impact of Akmon, Sta-bar, Sta-pod, Stock cube, and Tribar Armoring Layers on the Level of Flow Rate and Wave Overtopping [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 51-63]
Behdarvandi Askar, Mehdi
Hydraulic Jump Investigation In Compound Channel With Irregular Roughness Arrangement Under Various Geometric and Hydraulic Conditions. [(Articles in Press)]
Chaplo, Barkha
Bio‐Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) for Flood Management: Case study: Maharani Janki Kunwar College, Bettiah [(Articles in Press)]
Dastgahi, Majid
Assessment of GEP and ANN for Predicting Suspended Sediment Load: A Case Study of Ghatoor and Aland Rivers, West Azerbaijan, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 11-26]
Dehghani, F.
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of U-Shaped Sluice Gate under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-17]
Edalati, Adel
Numerical Simulation of Flow Over the Arced Trapezoidal Piano Key Weir [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 105-136]
Ettehadnia, Alireza
Investigating Effect of Water Hammer on Gravity Water Transmission Lines using Fiberglass Pipes [(Articles in Press)]
Fardoost, Emad
Assessment of GEP and ANN for Predicting Suspended Sediment Load: A Case Study of Ghatoor and Aland Rivers, West Azerbaijan, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 11-26]
Fathi-Moghadam, Manoochehr
An Index to Determine Reaction of Vegetation Canopies to River Flow [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 41-50]
Ghaherinezhad, Seyed A.
Investigating Effect of Changing Vegetation Height with Irregular Layout on Reduction of Waves using Flow-3D Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-64]
Ghayebi, A.
Extraction of Water Surface Changes of Miankale International Wetland using Landsat-8 satellite Images and Fusion of Supervised Classifiers [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 77-88]
Golshan, A.
Studying Effect of Travel Distance on Dispersion Coefficient in Layered Soil Perpendicular to Flow Direction using Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 41-54]
Haghiabi, AmirHamzeh
Comparative Study of the Discharge Coefficient of Streamlined Weirs [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-142]
Hatami Zargaran, Maliheh
Examination of the Influence of Cut-off Wall Length on Uplift Forces in Diversion Dams (Case Study: Borj Dam) [(Articles in Press)]
Hoback, Alan
Initial Maintenance Notes about the First River Ship Lock in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 143-162]
Hosseini, Khosrow
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Temperature and Precipitation using CMIP6 models (case study: Damghan, Iran) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 163-177]
Hosseini, Seyyed H.
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of U-Shaped Sluice Gate under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-17]
Jafari Horestani, S.
Calculation of Hydrodynamics Resistance Coefficient of Diver by CFD Method [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 99-107]
Jorabloo, M.
Numerical Study of the Effects of Inlet Geometry on the Performance of the Sediment Bypass Tunnel using SSIIM Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 65-75]
Jorabloo, Mehdi
Studying Impact of Dam Construction on Hydrologic Regime in Garmsar Plain [(Articles in Press)]
Kafle, Mukesh Raj
Numerical Simulation of Backwater Effects by a Downstream Dam using HEC-RAS: A case of SunKoshi- Marin Diversion Headworks, Nepal [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 179-196]
Karami, Gh. Hossein
Evaluating Salinity in Shallow and Deep Aquifers of Gorganrood Basin, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 19-29]
Kardel, Fatemeh
Modeling of Electrical Energy in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant with Traditional and Artificial Neural Network Approaches [(Articles in Press)]
Keramat, Alireza
A hybrid solution for transient pipe flow based on method of characteristics and Lax-Friedrichs scheme [(Articles in Press)]
Khalighi, Faeze
A hybrid solution for transient pipe flow based on method of characteristics and Lax-Friedrichs scheme [(Articles in Press)]
Khanmoradi, N.
Calculation of Hydrodynamics Resistance Coefficient of Diver by CFD Method [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 99-107]
Khoshnevisan, Sina
Modeling of Electrical Energy in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant with Traditional and Artificial Neural Network Approaches [(Articles in Press)]
Mahjoobi, E.
Evaluation of Different Spatial Interpolation Methods for IMERG Precipitation Zoning in Neyshabur Basin [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 89-98]
Mansouri, M.
Study Effect of Fluctuations of Pressure Factors of Stepped Short-throat Shaft Spillways on Hydraulic Coefficient [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 137-150]
Mansouri Kia, Mohammad Taghi
Initial Maintenance Notes about the First River Ship Lock in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 143-162]
Mansuri, M.
Study Effect of Fluctuations of Pressure Factors of Stepped Short-throat Shaft Spillways on Hydraulic Coefficient [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 137-150]
Maroufpoor, E.
A New Method for Determining the Coefficients of the Kostiakov Infiltration Relationship [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-116]
Maroufpoor, Eisa
Experimental Study of the Effects of Texture and Soil Layering on the Redistribution Wetting Front from a Point Source [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 27-39]
Maroufpoor, Eisa
Estimation of Infiltration Coefficients Based on the Average Infiltration Opportunity Time of the Advance Phase [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-9]
Mehdipanah, Hamed
Experimental Study of the Effects of Texture and Soil Layering on the Redistribution Wetting Front from a Point Source [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 27-39]
Mehdipanh, H.
Studying Effect of Travel Distance on Dispersion Coefficient in Layered Soil Perpendicular to Flow Direction using Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 41-54]
Moonesun, M.
Experimental Results of an Underwater Glider Hydraulic Model Test in Towing Tank of NIMALA [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 31-40]
Moonesun, M.
Calculation of Hydrodynamics Resistance Coefficient of Diver by CFD Method [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 99-107]
Mousavi, Seyed Farfad
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Temperature and Precipitation using CMIP6 models (case study: Damghan, Iran) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 163-177]
Najarzadeh, S.
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of U-Shaped Sluice Gate under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-17]
Nourali, Reyhane
Assessment of GEP and ANN for Predicting Suspended Sediment Load: A Case Study of Ghatoor and Aland Rivers, West Azerbaijan, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 11-26]
Panahi, A.
A New Method for Determining the Coefficients of the Kostiakov Infiltration Relationship [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-116]
Panahi, Amir
Estimation of Infiltration Coefficients Based on the Average Infiltration Opportunity Time of the Advance Phase [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-9]
Parsaie, Abbas
Comparative Study of the Discharge Coefficient of Streamlined Weirs [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-142]
Ramzanian Azizi, N.
Studying Effect of Travel Distance on Dispersion Coefficient in Layered Soil Perpendicular to Flow Direction using Numerical Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 41-54]
Ramzanian Azizi, Naser
Experimental Study of the Effects of Texture and Soil Layering on the Redistribution Wetting Front from a Point Source [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 27-39]
Ranjbari, M. R.
Evaluating Salinity in Shallow and Deep Aquifers of Gorganrood Basin, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 19-29]
Sadeghi, S.
Simulating Run-off of Abbandans in Mazandaran Province using SWMM Model to Increase their Capacity Through Harvesting Rainwater [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 117-136]
Safari, Ali
Comparison of the Impact of Akmon, Sta-bar, Sta-pod, Stock cube, and Tribar Armoring Layers on the Level of Flow Rate and Wave Overtopping [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 51-63]
Saghafi, Sahar
Modeling of Electrical Energy in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant with Traditional and Artificial Neural Network Approaches [(Articles in Press)]
Sajjadi, Mohsen
An Index to Determine Reaction of Vegetation Canopies to River Flow [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 41-50]
Salmanzadeh, Samira
An Index to Determine Reaction of Vegetation Canopies to River Flow [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 41-50]
Samavaki, Seyed Mahmoud
The Effect of Suspended Load on the Lower Discharge of Large Dams Using Flow-3D Numerical Model [(Articles in Press)]
Sarbazi, Nima
Studying Impact of Dam Construction on Hydrologic Regime in Garmsar Plain [(Articles in Press)]
Seyedzadeh, A.
A New Method for Determining the Coefficients of the Kostiakov Infiltration Relationship [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-116]
Seyedzadeh, Amin
Estimation of Infiltration Coefficients Based on the Average Infiltration Opportunity Time of the Advance Phase [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 1-9]
Shahedi, Kaka
Application of MODFLOW and MT3DMS Models to Evaluate Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Northern Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 65-81]
Shahi, Sina
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Temperature and Precipitation using CMIP6 models (case study: Damghan, Iran) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 163-177]
Shahnazari, A.
Simulating Run-off of Abbandans in Mazandaran Province using SWMM Model to Increase their Capacity Through Harvesting Rainwater [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 117-136]
Sheibani, Hamid Reza
Initial Maintenance Notes about the First River Ship Lock in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 143-162]
Taghizade Firozjaee, Tahere
Modeling of Electrical Energy in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant with Traditional and Artificial Neural Network Approaches [(Articles in Press)]
Tashakori, Askari
Experimental Study of the Effects of Texture and Soil Layering on the Redistribution Wetting Front from a Point Source [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 27-39]
Tijsseling, Arris
A hybrid solution for transient pipe flow based on method of characteristics and Lax-Friedrichs scheme [(Articles in Press)]
Zallaghi, E.
Extraction of Water Surface Changes of Miankale International Wetland using Landsat-8 satellite Images and Fusion of Supervised Classifiers [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 77-88]
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