Journal of Hydraulic and Water Engineering (JHWE) is a fully open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, electronic and print, Bi-Quarterly Publication concerned with hydraulics and water engineering. The JHWE publishes original technical papers and is aimed at promoting research worldwide in Water and Environmental Engineering. The JHWE is published by the Department of Civil Engineering at Shahrood University of Technology, and supported by the Iranian Hydraulic Association (IHA). It welcomes high quality original research papers from contributors throughout the world. All papers are subject to a peer reviewing procedure.

Types of accepted papers include:

  • Research Articles
  • Technical Notes
  • Case Reports
  • Review Articles

Journal of Hydraulic and Water Engineering (JHWE) utilizes Plagiarism Detection Software (iThenticate) to check the originality of submitted papers during the review process.


The journal welcomes article in all areas of Water and Environment Engineering and Management in particular:

  • Hydraulics of open-channel and closed conduit,
  • Marine Structures
  • Hydraulic Structures
  • Hydraulic Modelling
  • Water Resource Management,
  • Hydrology,
  • River Engineering,
  • Reservoir Sedimentation,
  • Surface and Subsurface water,
  • Irrigation and Drainage,
  • Water and Wastewater,
  • Environmental Engineering,
  • Water Quality

JHWE respects all publication ethics aspects of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). COPE is a forum for editors and publishers of peer reviewed journals to discuss all aspects of publication ethics. It provides advice to editors and publishers on how to handle cases of research and publication misconduct. COPE does not investigate individual cases but encourages editors to ensure that cases are investigated by the appropriate authorities (usually a research institution or employer).


All type papers published by JHWE are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. JHWE is an "Open access" publishing allowing immediate, world-wide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research papers, which is in the best interest of the scientific community.

High visibility, for maximum global exposure, with an open access publishing model with rigorous peer review (blind peer-review) of research papers and prompt publication.

JHWE has no publication charges and no submission fees.

All corresponding authors of each manuscript should download the COPYRIGHT RELEASE FORM from above this page. Authors must complete and sign this form and submit it with all mandatory files listed below. By signing this form, copyright is transferred to JHWE.

Submission of a manuscript implies that:

1) The work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis).

2) It is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

3) Its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out.

4) Authors agree to the automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher, if and when their manuscript is accepted for publication.

5) The manuscript will not be published elsewhere.




Publication Information

Shahrood University of Technology

Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Editor
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting